Helping Adults Understand The Challenges Young People Face & Young People Understand Themselves


What We Do

The Fentanyl and Opioid Crisis is only part of the problem!  The youth of today are being bombarded with myths and lies like never before and the end result is having devastating consequences on their entire generation.  Casual drug use is the number one challenge and health concern facing young people in the United States today. 

Jessica wasn't a drug user.  She was a bright and energetic college student that made One Bad Choice by trying MDMA ("Molly") at a music festival and every possible thing that could go wrong did.  Unfortunately, Jessica’s story is not uncommon.  On average 299 people die each day from alcohol or drugs in the U.S.

Regrettably, culture glamorizes drug and alcohol use in movies, TV, and music.  It tells young people this is the way to have fun and that nothing bad will happen to them if they are careful and just stay away from the hard stuff.  Nothing is further from the truth because it's all "Hard Stuff".

In addition, most drug prevention programs just try to “scare” young people into not doing drugs or continue to reinforce the “Just Say No” message.  Neither of these choices are very successful because of their lack of continued support.  It’s not enough to “Just Say No”; we must say “Why” and continue to reinforce that message throughout the years that a young person is maturing.

Our Mission is to change the culture by utilizing the I Know Jessica Programs to engage young people and the adults that care about them on an ongoing basis.

The I Know Jessica Programs equip parents, teachers, and other caring adults with resources that allow for nonconfrontational conversations that reinforce the message about the dangers of drugs, while giving young people the tools they need to live happy and successful lives.

Your Support helps us provide the I Know Jessica Drug Awareness Program and personal development courses to young people in communities across the United States.

The I Know Jessica Programs

A multimedia rich life-changing presentation that utilizes the I Know Jessica Documentary and connects with teens and young adults in a way rarely seen before.  In this engaging talk, Alan captures the hearts and minds of his audience as he shares heart-to-heart about the loss of his only child, twenty-one-year-old, Jessica Hunter, to an accidental drug overdose.  The impact of learning that Jessica wasn’t a drug user, but instead made one mistake while attending a music festival that ended her life has a huge impact on students while they learn about tools to help them avoid getting caught up in a similar situation.

Each drug prevention program begins with the I Know Jessica Documentary assembly or web-based video presentation; and is followed up by the "Invisible Forces" 4-part web-based video series.  The Invisible Forces curriculum includes a facilitator's guide and student activities to assist each young person in developing their individual drug prevention action plan.

The first three Invisible Forces video's expose the myths and pitfalls that young people are faced with in their Conversations, Challenges, and Culture. The final video gives them reinforcement to have the Courage in making good choices and pursuing the life of their dreams.

Utilizing a fun and interactive atmosphere of learning, this workshop enables students to discover, experience and apply the four temperament Models of Human Behavior in order to develop communication skills that will enhance any relationship and positively impact their success.

This workshop utilizes the framework of Zig Ziglar' Building the Best Your course which emphasizes identifying and building on each student’s personal strengths.  The foundation stones of honesty, integrity, attitude, and character are explored in how they relate to personal success.  Tried-and-true methods are taught so that the students will leave with the knowledge of how to make any day – no matter the circumstances – a great day.

This workshop utilizes the framework of the Zig Ziglar's Building Winning Relationship's course. We all know that difficulties in relationships can lead to difficulties in every area of life.  It is important to consciously work on building positive relationships.  During this workshop students discover the specific steps they can take to build strong relationships both at home and at school.

This workshop utilizes Zig Ziglar's goal setting framework. It will help students build a balanced life and achieve the goals they set for themselves.  This skill-building training explains the necessity of having an organized goals program and the benefits of consistently achieving goals.  Students learn a proven seven-step goal process and accountability system to help them take what they have learned and implement it on a daily basis.

A multimedia rich presentation that utilizes the I Know Jessica Documentary which is generally held in the evening or the weekend to allow full participation by parents. In this engaging talk, Jessica’s dad captures the hearts and minds of his audience as he shares heart-to-heart about the loss of his only child, twenty-one-year-old, Jessica Hunter, to an accidental drug overdose and the hidden challenges he has discovered that affect every young person as they enter the “real world” of adulthood.

 The purpose of this event is to communicate the unique hidden challenges young people face today when entering the college/career world and provide a  nonconfrontational process to assist young people and their parents in making good choices. 

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